Design Principles Poster

Project Description

The project is an exercise in exploring the basic principles of Graphic Design and putting that knowledge into practice. Students explore each principle by doing visual research via Pinterest and the Visual Research doc. Students refresh their knowledge of using Illustrator via the tutorials and then use the Illustrator template and project constraints to explore each principle.

Project Steps

As a class we reviewed the core principles of graphic design. Students then began their visual research. For each principle they had to define each principle in their own words, create a Pinterest board for each principle with 10-15 pins that were 2D graphic designs. They then had to pick one image to paste into their research doc that they though best embodied this principle. As a class a few of the students were randomly picked to share their research.

Class Critique

The project culminated with each student presenting their work to the class and their fellow students engaging in a peer feedback and critique session.

Related Standards

  • ISTE: Creativity and Innovation

  • ISTE: Communication and Collaboration

  • ISTE: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, & Decision Making

Principles of Design Review