Creating a Concept

Project Description

Students are guided through the real-life design process with the creation of a concept and proposal for a publication. Each student creates a comprehensive Design Guide for their concept which includes a creative brief, mood board, color palette, typography palette, graphic elements, and a cover. Each student shares their work and participates in a peer-to-peer PQP (Praise Question Polish) constructive feedback session.

Project Steps

This project begins with the students being familiarized with the professional graphic design workflow process; the creative brief, mood boards, and crafting an identity. Each step in this process is broken up and builds upon the last step so students are guided in creating a cohesive concept.

The project begins with an overview and explanation of the project, creative brief, and mood board. Students work on a modified creative brief with guided brainstorming before finalizing their concept and beginning to do visual brainstorming with their mood board. Extensive resources are provided for students.

Each of the next steps builds upon previous knowledge learned throughout the year; color theory, typography, graphic design concepts, and design skills. Students are guided through the process of developing a color palette, a type palette, and graphic language for their concept with both presentations, laid out steps in the learning management system, and a template.

Class Critique

Crafting their theme identity culminates in creating a sample cover. Students then put this all together into a presentation which they share with the class. Individual critiques are given through a PQP (Praise Question Polish) Peer Feedback session.

Related Standards

  • ISTE: Creativity and Innovation

  • ISTE: Communication and Collaboration

  • ISTE: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, & Decision Making

Student Theme Proposal Example Four
Theme Proposal - Intro, Step 1 & 2
Theme Proposal - Step 3